Thursday, January 17, 2013

TVB Out of Ideas: Mary Hon Same Role in 'Missing You' & 'Friendly Fire' Airing at Same Time

TVB series aren't just "once you've seen one, you've seen them all", but its just the same actors and actresses in all the series, causing audience to get confused on what they're watching.

There are no ideas, no people at TVB. Recently, the two current series Missing You and Friendly Fire, artists like Patrick Dunn, Rosanne Lui and Mary Hon appear in both series. The most ridiculous is Mary Hon, she portrays the same role, a mother looking for her biological son in both series. Last night, Mary admitted she was Sammy Leung's biological mother in Friendly Fire and tomorrow night, she'll again meet her biological son, Jason Chan, in Missing You. The same actress finds two of her biological sons within a week, is it because TVB is running out of ideas and artists? 

Reporters contacted Mary last night, she laughed out loud and said: "It's just a coincidence, last time Law Lok Lam died 5 times in one night." When speaking of the same old, overused and repetitive stories in every series, Mary said: "There isn't much of a difference. Actually both series were filmed at different times, but it was just a coincidence that the two series were aired at the same time. I have no control over this, we (artists) are very passive. However, I remember many years ago, when they come up with the TV schedule, they won't let the same artist appear in two different series at the same time because this may cause a confusion." When asked why she didn't let TVB know that the two series had the same story? She said: "Nope, that sounds like I'm challenging them. Also, an artist would not want to miss an [job] opportunity. If the two roles are about the same, the artist will have to enrich the role themselves and hope the acting would differ. If they cast you in the series, it wouldn't make sense for you not to do it!"

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