Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oscar Leung Sues Kenny Wee Back For Damaging Reputation

December 2012, TVB actor Oscar Leung voiced his views at former Miss HK Karmen Cheng's wedding, where Eric Tsang and Kenny Wee's "slapping incident" occurred. Because Oscar did not comply with Kenny Wee's demand for a public apology on the rude comments Oscar said about him, Kenny sued him for defamation. Not only does Oscar have to deal with a lawsuit, he also lost a 7 figure movie contract. Since his reputation is damaged and the issued created a negative impact on his jobs, Oscar consulted with his lawyer and yesterday, he strikes back. Oscar's lawyer appealed the suit to the court and the details were exposed yesterday. 

Kenny Wee sued Oscar, accusing him of slander and intentionally making false statements about him. According to Oscar's appeal, Kenny's accusations are basically false and is absolutely unjustified because Oscar's comment did not cause any damage to Kenny. The appeal said Kenny's lawsuit is pointless, abuses the judicial procedures and a hidden agenda. The actual motive is to damage Oscar's reputation, strangle his freedom of speech and preventing Oscar from publicly commenting on issues he finds interesting. Oscar asked the High Court to reject Kenny's lawsuit against Oscar. The appeal also stated because the lawsuit caused Oscar to lose several contracts and opportunities to earn money, he demands Kenny Wee to compensate for his losses, but it is unclear whether Oscar wants financial compensation. 

Reporters tried contacting Oscar and Kenny to comment on the lawsuit, both did not respond.

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